Other SSGs > Retrieve fields values

    Retrieve fields values

    Once you have obtained a record object, you can access the value associated to a field using its Field ID:

    In this case, the field ID is title, so we can use it as a method on the record object to retrieve its value.

    // dato.config.js
    module.exports = (dato, root, i18n) => {
    const blogPost = dato.blogPosts[0]; // get the first blog post of the collection
    blogPost.title; // => "Hello world!"

    Important: if the field ID contains underscores, remember to camel-case it (ie. a featured_image field ID becomes featuredImage).

    Each record also exposes some additional methods you can use:

    blogPost.id // returns the record ID:
    // => "1242"
    blogPost.itemType // returns an object representing the model:
    blogPost.itemType.id // => "44"
    blogPost.itemType.name // => "Blog post"
    blogPost.itemType.apiKey // => "blog_post"
    blogPost.updatedAt // returns last modified date:
    // => Fri Feb 10 2017 10:25:54 GMT+0100 (CET)
    blogPost.position // returns its ordinal number in the collection
    // (only if the model is sortable or a tree):
    // => 13
    blogPost.parent // returns the parent record (only if the model is a tree)
    blogPost.children // returns the children records (only if the model is a tree)
    blogPost.toMap() // returns an object containing the above, plus all the
    // field's values:
    // => {
    // id: "1242",
    // itemType: "blogPost",
    // updatedAt: "Fri Feb 10 2017 10:25:54 GMT+0100 (CET)",
    // title: "Hello world!",
    // ...
    // }

    Most field types return scalar values (integers, booleans, strings, etc.), but some other return more complex structures.

    Keep in mind that the .toMap() method will limit the results to a maximum depth of 3. You can change this setting passing an explicit depth:

    blogPost.toMap(10) // this will go down 10 levels deep!

    File fields

    File fields expose the following methods. The .url() method is the most important one, as it returns the full URL of the file.

    blogPost.coverImage.url() // returns the image URL:
    // => "https://www.datocms-assets.com/123/12345-heart.png"
    blogPost.coverImage.url({ // returns the image URL, cropped at 150x150px:
    w: 150, // => "https://www.datocms-assets.com/123/12345-heart.png?w=150&h=150&fit=crop"
    h: 150,
    fit: "crop",
    blogPost.coverImage.size // returns the filesize in bytes:
    // => 168131
    blogPost.coverImage.format // returns the extension:
    // => "png"
    blogPost.coverImage.width // returns the image width:
    // => 800
    blogPost.coverImage.height // returns the image height:
    // => 600
    blogPost.coverImage.alt // returns the asset alternative text:
    // => "Heart icon"
    blogPost.coverImage.title // returns the asset alternative text:
    // => "This is the title!"
    blogPost.coverImage.focalPoint // returns the asset alternative text:
    // => { x: 0.4, y: 0.4 }
    blogPost.coverImage.customData // returns any asset custom data:
    // => { "watermark": true }
    blogPost.coverImage.author // returns the asset author:
    // => "Mark Smith"
    blogPost.coverImage.copyright // returns the asset copyright:
    // => "PressNews Inc."
    blogPost.coverImage.notes // returns the asset's notes:
    // => "Just a beautiful heart image"
    blogPost.coverImage.toMap() // returns an hash containing all the above:
    // => {
    // size: 168131,
    // format: "png",
    // width: 800,
    // height: 600,
    // url: "https://www.datocms-assets.com/123/12345-heart.png"
    // ...
    // }

    Multiple files field

    Multiple files fields simply return an array of file objects:

    blogPost.gallery.forEach(image => {
    image.title; // => "We love our clients"
    image.url(); // => "https://www.datocms-assets.com/123/12345-heart.png"

    Color fields

    Color fields expose the following methods:

    blogPost.color.red // => 255
    blogPost.color.green // => 127
    blogPost.color.blue // => 0
    blogPost.color.alpha // => 1.0
    blogPost.color.rgb // => "rgb(255, 127, 0)"
    blogPost.color.hex // => "#ff7f00"
    blogPost.color.toMap() // => {
    // red: 255,
    // green: 127,
    // blue: 0,
    // alpha: 1.0,
    // rgb: "rgb(255, 127, 0)",
    // hex: "#ff7f00"
    // }

    Geolocation fields

    Geolocation fields expose the following methods:

    blogPost.position.latitude // => 41.90278349999999
    blogPost.position.longitude // => 12.496365500000024
    blogPost.position.toMap() // => {
    // latitude: 41.90278349999999,
    // longitude: 12.496365500000024
    // }

    Video fields

    Video fields expose the following methods:

    blogPost.video.title // => "Nyan Cat"
    blogPost.video.url // => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4&t=11s"
    blogPost.video.thumbnailUrl // => "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QH2-TGUlwu4/hqdefault.jpg"
    blogPost.video.provider // => "youtube"
    blogPost.video.providerUid // => "QH2-TGUlwu4"
    blogPost.video.height // => 344
    blogPost.video.width // => 459
    blogPost.video.toMap() // => {
    // title: "Nyan Cat",
    // url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4&t=11s",
    // thumbnail_url: "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QH2-TGUlwu4/hqdefault.jpg",
    // provider: "youtube",
    // provider_uid: "QH2-TGUlwu4",
    // height: 344,
    // width: 459
    // }

    SEO meta tags fields

    SEO meta tags fields expose the following methods:

    blogPost.seo.title // => "Article title"
    blogPost.seo.description // => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur..."
    blogPost.seo.image // => returns a full image object (see `Media fields` chapter)
    blogPost.seo.toMap() // => {
    // title: "Article title",
    // description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...",
    // image: {
    // size: 168131,
    // format: "png",
    // width: 800,
    // height: 600,
    // url: "https://www.datocms-assets.com/123/12345-heart.png"
    // }
    // }

    Tree-like collections

    If you have tree-like collections you can use the .children and .parent attributes to find the top-level objects of the collection and then navigate in depth:

    module.exports = (dato, root, i18n) => {
    function traverse(records, cb, depth = 0) {
    records.forEach((record) => {
    cb(record, depth);
    traverse(record.children, cb, depth + 1);
    dato.categories.filter(category => !category.parent),
    (category, depth) => {
    console.log(`${' '.repeat(depth)} * ${category.name}`);

    This will output something similar to this:

    * Tote Panniers
    * Handlebar bag
    * Backpacks and Rucksacks
    * Double Panniers
    * Satchel