SvelteKit > Getting started

    Getting started

    Svelte is a frontend framework built around a simple idea: avoid the complexity of a Virtual DOM and compile components to responsive vanilla JS. SvelteKit is Svelte's full-stack framework: it sports file-based routing, API endpoints, and zero-configuration deployments on multiple providers (adapters for Vercel, Netlify and Cloudflare are provided and even used transparently for a great developer experience).

    Svelte and SvelteKit together let you get started quickly with a set of sane defaults upon which you can build.

    DatoCMS is the perfect companion to SvelteKit since it offers content, images and videos on a globally-distributed CDN. With this combo, you can have an infinitely scalable website, ready to handle prime-time TV traffic spikes at a fraction of the regular cost.

    In the next paragraphs, will see how easy it is to combine Svelte with DatoCMS. Also, our marketplace features a complete demo project based on SvelteKit so you can learn and get started easily. The demo includes a preview feature so that it's possible to see content in place, with real-time updates, before publication.

    Fetching content from DatoCMS GraphQL API

    Svelte and SvelteKit invites developers to leverage existing standard APIs. fetch API is the conventional way of retrieving data from servers.

    Loading data is achieved in SvelteKit by creating a +page.js file beside the +page.svelte component:

    The load function exported from +page.js is called when the page is loaded, and the returned data are made available to the page via conventional props.

    // src/routes/[slug]/+page.js
    // PUBLIC_DATOCMS_TOKEN is set using environment variables or via `.env` file.
    import { PUBLIC_DATOCMS_TOKEN } from "$env/static/public";
    const QUERY = `query Post($slug: String) {
    post(filter: {slug: {eq: $slug}}) {
    export async function load({ fetch, params }) {
    const { slug } = params
    const response = await fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${PUBLIC_DATOCMS_TOKEN}`,
    body: JSON.stringify({
    query: QUERY,
    variables: { slug }
    const { data } = await response.json();
    return { data };

    The QUERY is the GraphQL query, and of course it depends on the models available in your specific DatoCMS project. You can learn everything you need regarding how to build GraphQL queries on our Content Delivery API documentation.

    Inside the load function, you can use JS to work on the data received from DatoCMS and pass it down to your component. You could actually use any kind of HTTP client: you're not tied to GraphQL at all.

    Finally create the Svelte component that will be rendered when the page is requested:

    <!-- src/routes/[slug]/+page.svelte -->
    export let data;
    $: ({ data: { post } } = data);

    Here you are, with a simple website retrieving content from DatoCMS via GraphQL and showing it in a HTML page.

    SvelteKit has first class support for Typescript or JSDoc comments: unless your project is really basic, consider jumping to the magical world of typed Javascript dialects. Other DatoCMS libraries you may need also include type definitions.

    Once you understood the principles of Svelte and SvelteKit, it's a good idea to evaluate a complete library, like the well integrated Houdini.

    Using environment variables

    You can see that in the previous example we used an environment variable starting with PUBLIC_ so that it can be embedded into the bundle.

    To create the API token for a DatoCMS project, go to the "Settings > API Tokens" section, making sure you only give it permission to access the (read-only) Content Delivery API.

    Then, create a .env file in your SvelteKit project that look something like this:


    Once that's done, you are able to import the token anywhere in your project with the following statement:

    import { PUBLIC_DATOCMS_TOKEN } from "$env/static/public";