Asset API > Asset CDN Settings

Asset CDN Settings

Accessing Asset CDN Settings

Advanced Asset Settings are located within "Project settings", under the "Asset CDN settings" section. Here, administrators with the appropriate permissions can set default parameters that will apply to all assets of a project.

Automatic Image Optimization

DatoCMS offers a set of customizable parameters that can significantly boost your project's performance by leveraging imgix's robust image transformations.

We strongly recommend you read the documentation thoroughly before implementing changes.

How automatic optimization settings are applied?

The Automatic Image Optimization settings that you choose in your project will be combined with those you directly specify in the URL. For instance, if you have set up your project with ?auto=format&q=50 as your custom automatic optimization:

  • Applying ?w=40 to the URL of an image will behave as ?auto=format&q=50&w=40

  • Applying ?auto=enhance to the URL will behave as ?auto=enhance&q=50, because parameters specified at the URL level take precedence over the ones specified as automatic optimizations.

You can avoid the automatic application of optimizations by specifying the parameter ?skip-default-optimizations=true in your image URL (or using the argument skipDefaultOptimizations: true in your CDA requests).

Therefore, ?auto=enhance&skip-default-optimizations=true will simply behave as ?auto=enhance, with no additional parameters. Be careful when using the skip-default-optimizations parameter, as it could significantly increase your bandwidth costs.

DatoCMS preset (recommended)

To streamline the developer experience, the auto=format parameter will be applied by default. This preset has been carefully selected to intelligently optimize images, selecting the best format for efficient compression without compromising visual quality. By default, new DatoCMS projects are configured with this preset.

Custom imgix parameters

Automatic auto parameter

The auto parameter simplifies the optimization process automated across your image repository. It offers four distinct settings, which might also be combined:


  • Reduces image size through best-effort techniques, applying aggressive compression.

  • Serves images in AVIF format, with fallbacks to WebP or JPEG based on browser support.

  • Overrides fm parameter for non-animated assets when used with auto=compress.


  • Improves image quality by enhancing highlights, midtones, and shadows across all RGB channels.

  • Gives images a vibrant appeareance, which is ideal for editorial, stock, and user-generated content.


  • Automatically adjusts images by applying additional parameters, starting with auto=enhance.

  • If crop=faces is set, auto=true will triggers auto=redeye for red-eye removal.


  • Determines the optimal image format through automatic content negotiation.

  • Attempts to serve images in AVIF, falling back to WebP, JPEG, or PNG based on browser support.

  • Can be combined with auto=compress and/or fm to customize fallback logic.


  • Automatically removes red-eye from detected faces, enhancing image quality.

For more details, refer to the imgix documentation on auto parameter.

Color Space cs parameter

The cs parameter specifies the color space of the output image. Options include:

  • sRGB: Default value, standard web color representation.

  • Adobe RGB (1998): Provides accurate color reproduction from digital screens to print.

  • TinysRGB: Reduced color space metadata, potentially resulting in a slight color shift.

  • Strip: Removes color space for maximum size reduction.

Learn more about the cs parameter in imgix documentation.

Output Quality q parameter

The q parameter controls the output quality of lossy file formats like jpg, webp, avif, or jxr. Key points include:

  • Values range from 0 to 100, with 75 set as the default - higher values increase image file size.

  • Quality can often be set lower than default, especially for high-DPR (Device Pixel Ratio) images.

  • When auto=compress is applied, the default is automatically set to 45, unless overridden.

Explore more about the q parameter in imgix documentation.

No parameters

No parameter will be attached automatically — but you can still implement any of imgix's optimizations and transformation directly in your frontend code.

Video optimization

Block Serving Raw Videos

Within the Advanced Asset Settings, administrators can opt to block raw video files from being served through the CDN, preventing from severe slowdowns and excessive bandwidth use in your project. This feature is enabled by default for new projects.

Enabling this feature means that accessing a video's imgix URL will result in a Cloudflare Worker returning a 422 error. This policy supports our standard best practice of utilizing Mux for video delivery, optimizing video streaming and ensuring consistency across the platform.