General concepts > Plugins


While DatoCMS already offers a very wide range of options and configurations, with plugins it is possible to take a leap forward and integrate market-leading third-party services with the DatoCMS platform, or build custom integrations tailored specifically to your business.

What can plugins do?

A better question is — what do you want to achieve with plugins? Using plugins, a huge variety of enhancements to the DatoCMS web app are possible, from small field editor improvements to deeply integrated full-page applications. The Plugin SDK makes customizing the web app effortless.

Some common use cases are:

  • Adding custom field editors to improve the editor experience;

  • Managing content versions for running A/B tests on structured content using personalization tools;

  • Customizing the default entry editor to suit your specific needs;

  • Seamlessly integrating DatoCMS with third-party software and services;

Managing and distributing Plugins

Private plugins

A private plugin is built by you for your specific organization's needs to optimize your organization's editorial experience. It is fully under your control and not accessible by other organizations. The total number of plugins and installations within your organization/environment is limited based on your DatoCMS plan.

Marketplace plugins

Marketplace plugins are built by our community and connect DatoCMS with other systems allowing you to assemble the stack of your choice. Everyone can (and is encouraged to) contribute with new plugins by releasing them as NPM packages.

More than 100 plugins are already available on the Marketplace, and can be installed free of charge without touching a single line of code. Installation is extremely simple, and can happen both programmatically or using the interface.

Installing Marketplace Plugins

To install a new plugin to one of your projects, head over to the Settings > Plugins section of your administrative area, press the plus button, and then pick the "From Marketplace" option. This will open up the marketplace, where you will be able to browse existing plugins by keyword, tag, etc.

Once you reach a plugin details page, click on the Install button to add it to your project:

Creating new Plugins

To learn how to build new plugins, and maybe share them with the community, please visit our detailed guide or take a look at this video tutorial on how to start developing a plugin from scratch.