Sorry, no results found for "".
Must be exactly "scheduled_unpublishing"
The future date for the unpublishing
List of locales whose content will be unpublished, or nil if the whole record needs to be unpublished
Returns a resource object of type scheduled_unpublishing.
POST HTTP/1.1Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-TOKENAccept: application/jsonX-Api-Version: 3Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
{ "data": { "type": "scheduled_unpublishing", "attributes": { "unpublishing_scheduled_at": "2025-02-10T11:03:42Z" } }}
curl -g '' \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "X-Api-Version: 3" \ -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \ --data-binary '{"data":{"type":"scheduled_unpublishing","attributes":{"unpublishing_scheduled_at":"2025-02-10T11:03:42Z"}}}'
await fetch( "", { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN", Accept: "application/json", "X-Api-Version": "3", "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ data: { type: "scheduled_unpublishing", attributes: { unpublishing_scheduled_at: "2025-02-10T11:03:42Z" }, }, }), },);
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/jsonCache-Control: cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidateX-RateLimit-Limit: 30X-RateLimit-Remaining: 28
{ "data": { "type": "scheduled_unpublishing", "id": "34", "attributes": { "unpublishing_scheduled_at": "2025-02-10T11:03:42Z", "content_in_locales": [ "en" ] }, "relationships": { "item": { "data": { "type": "item", "id": "hWl-mnkWRYmMCSTq4z_piQ" } } } }, "included": [ { "type": "item", "id": "hWl-mnkWRYmMCSTq4z_piQ", "relationships": { "item_type": { "data": { "type": "item_type", "id": "DxMaW10UQiCmZcuuA-IkkA" } } }, "attributes": { "title": "My first blog post!", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...", "category": "24", "image": { "alt": "Alt text", "title": "Image title", "custom_data": {}, "focal_point": null, "upload_id": "20042921" } }, "meta": { "created_at": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z", "published_at": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z", "first_published_at": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z", "publication_scheduled_at": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z", "unpublishing_scheduled_at": "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z", "status": "published", "is_current_version_valid": true, "is_published_version_valid": true, "current_version": "4234", "stage": null } } ]}