Show examples in:
    Schema Menu Item

    In DatoCMS you can organize the different models and blocks present in your administrative area reordering and grouping them, so that their purpose will be more clear to the final editor.

    Object payload

    id  string
    RFC 4122 UUID of schema menu item expressed in URL-safe base64 format
    type  string
    Must be exactly "schema_menu_item"

    JSON API type field

    label  null, string  Example: "Posts"

    The label of the schema menu item (only present when the schema menu item is not linked to an item type)

    position  integer  Example: 1

    Ordering index

    kind  enum  Example: "item_type"

    Indicates if the schema menu item refers to an item type or a modular block

    item_type{ type: "item_type", id: }, null

    Item type associated with the schema menu item

    parentnull, { type: "schema_menu_item", id: }

    Parent schema menu item

    childrenArray of { type: "schema_menu_item", id: }

    Underlying schema menu items

    Available endpoints