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    Create a new fieldset

    Body Parameters

    id  string  Optional
    RFC 4122 UUID of fieldset expressed in URL-safe base64 format
    title  Required  string  Example: "SEO-related fields"

    The title of the fieldset

    hint  Optional  string, null  Example: "Please fill in these fields!"

    Description/contextual hint for the fieldset

    position  Optional  integer  Example: 1

    Ordering index

    collapsible  Optional  boolean  Example: true

    Whether the fieldset can be collapsed or not

    start_collapsed  Optional  boolean

    When fieldset is collapsible, determines if the default is to start collapsed or not


    Returns a fieldset resource object.


    Example Basic example
    import { buildClient } from '@datocms/cma-client-node';
    async function run() {
    const client = buildClient({ apiToken: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' });
    const modelIdOrApiKey = 'blog_post';
    const fieldset = await client.fieldsets.create(modelIdOrApiKey, {
    title: 'SEO-related fields'