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Update a filter

Body Parameters

name  Optional  string  Example: "Draft posts"

The name of the filter

columns  Optional  Array<object>, null  Example: [{"name":"_preview","width":0.6},{"name":"slug","width":0.1},{"name":"_status","width":0.1},{"name":"_updated_at","width":0.2}]

The columns to show with this filter

order_by  Optional  string, null  Example: "_updated_at_ASC"

The ordering to apply with this filter, or null for the default model ordering. It follows the form of the order_by query parameter of the List all records endpoint.

shared  Optional  boolean  Example: true

Whether it's a shared filter or not

filter  Optional  object  Example: {"query":"foo bar","fields":{"_status":{"eq":"draft"},"title":{"matches":{"pattern":"qux","case_sensitive":"false","regexp":"false"}}}}

The actual filter. It follows the form of the filter query parameter of the List all records endpoint.

item_type  Optional  { type: "item_type", id: }

Model associated with the filter


Returns a item_type_filter resource object.


Example Basic example
import { buildClient } from '@datocms/cma-client-node';
async function run() {
const client = buildClient({ apiToken: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' });
const itemTypeFilterId = 'FF-P5of6Qp-DD2w0xoaa6Q';
const itemTypeFilter = await client.itemTypeFilters.update(itemTypeFilterId, {});