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Content Management API > Site

Activate improved validation at publishing option


Returns a resource object of type site


import { buildClient } from "@datocms/cma-client-node";
async function run() {
const client = buildClient({ apiToken: process.env.DATOCMS_API_TOKEN });
const site = await;
// Check the 'Returned output' tab for the result ☝️
id: "155",
domain: "",
favicon: "123",
global_seo: {},
google_maps_api_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
imgix_host: "",
internal_domain: "",
last_data_change_at: "2017-03-30T09:29:14.872Z",
locales: ["en"],
name: "My Awesome Website",
no_index: true,
require_2fa: false,
theme: {
type: "monochromatic",
hue: 16,
primary_color: { red: 128, green: 128, blue: 128, alpha: 128 },
light_color: { red: 128, green: 128, blue: 128, alpha: 128 },
accent_color: { red: 128, green: 128, blue: 128, alpha: 128 },
dark_color: { red: 128, green: 128, blue: 128, alpha: 128 },
logo: "123",
timezone: "Europe/London",
ip_tracking_enabled: true,
force_use_of_sandbox_environments: true,
assets_cdn_default_settings: { image: {}, video: {} },
meta: {
created_at: "2020-04-21T07:57:11.124Z",
improved_timezone_management: true,
improved_hex_management: true,
improved_gql_multilocale_fields: true,
improved_gql_visibility_control: true,
improved_boolean_fields: true,
draft_mode_default: true,
improved_validation_at_publishing: true,
item_types: [{ type: "item_type", id: "DxMaW10UQiCmZcuuA-IkkA" }],
owner: { type: "account", id: "312" },