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Unique name for the webhook
"Item type creation/update"
The URL to be called
A custom payload
'{ "message": "{{event_type}} event triggered on {{entity_type}}!", "entity_id": "{{#entity}}{{id}}{{/entity}}"] }'
Additional headers that will be sent
{ "X-Foo": "Bar" }
The subject of webhook triggering
HTTP Basic Authorization username
HTTP Basic Authorization password
Whether the webhook is enabled and sending events or not
Specifies which API version to use when serializing entities in the webhook payload
Whether the you want records present in the payload to show blocks expanded or not
If enabled, the system will attempt to retry the call several times when the webhook operation fails due to timeouts or errors.
Returns a resource object of type webhook
import { buildClient } from "@datocms/cma-client-node";
async function run() { const client = buildClient({ apiToken: process.env.DATOCMS_API_TOKEN });
const webhookId = "312";
const webhook = await client.webhooks.update(webhookId, { id: "312" });
// Check the 'Returned output' tab for the result ☝️ console.log(webhook);}
{ id: "312", name: "Item type creation/update", url: "", enabled: true, headers: { "X-Foo": "Bar" }, events: [{ entity_type: "item", event_types: ["update"] }], http_basic_user: "user", http_basic_password: "password", custom_payload: '{ "message": "{{event_type}} event triggered on {{entity_type}}!", "entity_id": "{{#entity}}{{id}}{{/entity}}"] }', payload_api_version: "3", nested_items_in_payload: true, auto_retry: true,}