Projects showcase

Infrafibre Group

Attracting top talent through a strong employer brand.

Made by Hinauf
Project shots
Home Landing Page
Backend shots
Example of a global module, embedded as a collection
Example of a section with a mandatory picture upload
Example of a schema
List of main pages/records
About the project

In a world where companies compete to attract the right talent, the Infrafibre Group gave us the mandate to elevate their employer branding and build a career portal. It became rapidly clear that the client also needed a state-of-the-art CMS system that allowed them to easily maintain their portal, while ensuring security and allowing scalability.

With the implementation of Dato CMS, we did not only deliver a great career portal, but also laid the foundation to migrate and relaunch all of our client's platforms on a future-proof CMS system.

Rendered Services

  • Strategy & Management
    Workshop Facilitation, Benchmarking, Employer Branding, Content Strategy, Project Management...

  • Experience Design
    UX Research, Conceptual Design, Prototyping, Interface Design, UX Writing...

  • Software Engineering
    DevOps, CMS Implementation, Front-End...

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HAPPY USERS, HAPPY BUSINESS. User experiences that boost growth.
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Marketing sites
Performance Optimization
Change Management & Training
Technology Solution Consulting
DatoCMS Implementation
Ongoing Content Services
Content Modeling
Systems Integration
Google Analytics