Projects showcase


Print goes digital: The newly released Pusch-Magazine advocates for practical environmental protection in the form of a modern environmental magazine, guaranteeing that its crucial environmental subject matters remain relevant and impactful in the times ahead.

Made by dreipol
Project shots
Overview of all articles
Practice map
Glossary for environmental terms
Visual design building blocks
Pusch-Magazine in use
Backend shots
Extendable Rich Text Editor enabling multimedial content
About the project

The print magazine has been replaced by a digital environmental magazine. This step towards the digital realm allows for a broader audience to access content and topics. While print is limited to text and images, a digital magazine has almost limitless possibilities. Articles can include various multimedia elements such as videos, links, audio, and more.

Pusch supports communities and schools throughout Switzerland in implementing environmental initiatives. These practical examples are also documented through articles. An interactive practice map provides an overview of all these examples.

Furthermore, the new magazine provides easy access to all articles ever published. A sophisticated combination of filtering and search features assists users in efficiently finding the desired results. Articles of particular relevance are also highlighted.

Using a headless CMS, articles can be easily compiled by authors from various building blocks.

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