
Product Updates

DatoCMS changelog for new features and general improvements
Plugin capabilities extended for links and media
December 18th, 2020

With the latest v0.1.0 release of the Plugin SDK we've added a couple methods:

  • selectItem(itemTypeId, { multiple }) - Plugins can use this method to show a modal dialog to select one or multiple existing records

  • selectUpload({ multiple: boolean }) - Plugins can use this method to show a modal dialog to select one or multiple uploads

  • editUpload(uploadId) - Plugins can use this method to show the modal dialog to edit an upload

  • editUploadMetadata(uploadMetadata) - Plugins can use this method to show the modal dialog to edit an upload metadata.

These new methods will allow the creation of plugins for the link fields. You can read all the details in the SDK reference.

Then, related to the media fields, we've released v3.2.0 of our JS client which:

  • adds support for aborting createUploadPath, uploadFile and uploadImage through uploadPromise.cancel

  • adds additional option arguments to createUploadPath, uploadFile and uploadImage

  • adds options.onProgress for tracking the upload progress of createUploadPath, uploadFile and uploadImage

  • adds options.filename for renaming files uploaded with createUploadPath, uploadFile and uploadImage

These new methods will let you create plugins for the media fields and manage the uploads from your end.

You can see the client docs for more details and examples.