Product Updates

DatoCMS changelog for new features and general improvements
Content Delivery APIUI ImprovementContent Management API
Renewed media area... and some more!
December 5th, 2019

We have just released the biggest single update ever done to DatoCMS!

Here's a succinct list of all the changes that we have released.

Most importantly a big set of features strictly linked with the media area that you can read in the blog post.

Very briefly:

  • video support via integration with Mux

  • HSL video streaming

  • thumbnail and meta data extraction

  • extraction of meta data and Blurhash from images

  • redesign of the UI to support different image layouts and dimensions

  • advanced sorting and filtering

  • shared/personal filters to group and organize content

  • video previews

  • show where the image is used

  • the APIs have changed in a backward compatible manner to support all these changes and also our clients are supporting all the new features already

While doing that we also worked on a set of related feature requests:

NewUI ImprovementContent Management APIContent Delivery API
A bundle of features!
November 25th, 2019

In the last month, while preparing to the big launch of the media area, we've shipped a handful of features that you have requested!

Here's the summary:

  • Content Delivery API explorer directly in the CMS interface

  • ability to rename uploads

  • added metadata to uploads, e.g. copyright, author, notes, custom metadata, etc

  • editors that have publishing capabilities can see details on deployments

  • added a link to go from model settings to collection/instance

Bear with us a little bit and we'll be in touch soon for the big release of the media area!

NewUI Improvement
New Features and Tools in the Media Area
October 11th, 2019

We have significantly improved the Media Area, with a wide range of new features, QoL changes, and brand new tools.

Here's a quick list:

  • New Search Filters

  • General UI improvements

  • Fast access to asset details from Records

  • Localizable Titles and Alts

  • Real-time Image editor

To accommodate some of these features, we updated our APIs and released version 3.

If you want to read more about the topic, have a look at our blog post.

UI Improvement
DatoCMS now available in French!
September 11th, 2019

Thanks to Quentin and Thomas DatoCMS now speaks French!

The list of supported languages keeps on getting bigger: now we have English, German, French, Italian and Czech!

If you want to help us make DatoCMS more friendly to users all over the globe, please get in touch with us... we offer nice discounts!

UI Improvement
Copy modular content structure from another language
July 30th, 2019

Editing complex multi-language content is much easier now!

When adding a new language to your record you will find a new button in your modular content field called "copy structure from ...". By hitting this button you will import the modular content skeleton from the first language -just the blocks, without the content-, saving you the time to recreate the exact structure!

Feedbacks and questions are welcome!

Customize webhooks HTTP body with Mustache templates
July 24th, 2019

Integrating DatoCMS with third-party systems is now a lot easier, as you can now customize the HTTP body of the outgoing HTTP requests.

You can even use Mustache language to make the payload dynamic. As an example, this custom template:

"message": "{{event_type}} event triggered on {{entity_type}}!",
"entity_id": "{{#entity}}{{id}}{{/entity}}"

Will be converted into the following HTTP body:

"message": "update event triggered on item!",
"entity_id": "123213"

You are not limited to send JSON payloads: just make sure that if the payload is not in JSON format you configure the proper Content-Type header.

Read all the details in the updated documentation page.

Image validation for dimensions
July 19th, 2019

Now you can specify the maximum and/or minimum dimensions of an image in both the "Single File" and "Multiple Files" fields.

Furthermore, you can now use the filesize validation option also in the "Multiple files" field.

Duplicate only models and fields
July 19th, 2019

Until now, one could only duplicate a project in its entirety. Now you can clone all the models and fields of an existing project into a new one, without duplicating records and resources. Just make sure that the "Duplicate only models and fields" toggle-switch is On in the Duplicate Project window

UI Improvement
More QoL improvements for your team
June 12th, 2019

These days we have worked hard on a couple of exciting features that we will show you later this month. Our roadmap will give you a hint or two ;). Meanwhile, we have published three improvements that we are sure you will appreciate!

First of all, we have hidden some aspects of the deployment environment for users that do not have the role permission to build. For example, the "Publish Now" button and all deployment logs are hidden from those who can't use them.

The second update is about clarity: when you create a modular field with the requirement of only one, the button to add another is hidden for the person editing the content. This feature is present in both modular content and record links.

The third update is the more substantial one: DatoCMS now changes the orientation of the writing in the single line text and multi-line text when you are editing RTL languages in a multilingual field. Arabic, Chinese, and many more are now easier to manage!

Accounts and Users are now merged
June 11th, 2019

Our long-term goal is to make DatoCMS a usable and intuitive product for everyone. For this reason, we decided to merge users and accounts into a single entity that manages all projects from the same space.

We noticed that the differences between users and accounts were creating unnecessary confusion offering very few benefits in return, especially to those who manage multiple projects with different teams.

The workflow will not change for those who are already working on DatoCMS, except for the convenience of a single password for everything, while those who are invited to a project for the first time will first have to register via the DatoCMS dashboard.

In case you have problems accessing a project on DatoCMS, follow the standard password recovery process, and set a new one.