Welcome to the DatoCMS Blog

News, tips and highlights from the team at DatoCMS
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Bulk Actions for Modular Content
October 15th, 2024
September Update: Security, Performance... and a teaser!

Despite the summer holidays, a lot has been achieved in DatoCMS-land! Learn about the latest improvements, optimizations and activities of our team.

What happened in the last few months and plans for Q4 21

Let's review together the latest developments on DatoCMS and see what the future will bring to the table

Even more control for your sensitive projects: introducing Audit Logs

Today, we're happy to publicly release another vital feature for our Enterprise customers and fast growing startups: Audit Logs.

An (even more) open company

From today we want to be more transparent and less "shy" in telling our story. Find out why.

What is Content as a Service?

Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) is one of the pillars of contemporary content creation strategy. But why is it so central for editors and marketers?

Introducing Structured Text

Today, we’re thrilled to release a new WYSIWYG field called Structured Text, which is designed to offer editors the freedom to compose dynamic rich-text using elementary blocks, made available by their developers.

A year in review

2020 is (finally) coming to an end. What better time to take a few minutes to rethink everything that has happened?

Tutorial: how to get real-time draft previews with Next.js and DatoCMS

Learn how to achieve live content authoring with Next.js websites using the newly launched DatoCMS real-time updates API and our all-encompassing toolkit!

How To Build a Multi-Language Website with Next.js i18n

How to build an international multi-language website in JavaScript and Next.js from scratch.

Headless CMS as a Winning Strategy for Multi-Site Management

What is the Multi-site management problem and why a headless CMS is the solution.

Stepping up the content localization game: introducing Translator roles

Today we're thrilled to release Translator roles, a way to restrict your translators to edit only the locales they are responsible for. Is it the missing puzzle piece that allows DatoCMS to be a complete solution for every localization need.

Introducing Workflows: supercharge your content approval process

Today we are pleased to introduce Workflows, a new feature designed for our Enterprise customers. Workflows allow complex content operations for bigger editorial teams, making DatoCMS one of the most secure and user-friendly headless CMS to-date.

Retrospective for winter 20-21 and plans for the near future

Structured text, responsive UI, real-time updates API, improvements on blocks and more! The last six months were really feature packed.

Mobile editing interface at last!

Last week we silently shipped a long-standing request for editors: the ability to work on your content from any mobile device.

Introducing the Virtual Event Starter Kit

Today you can clone, deploy and fully customize your next event using the same kit used to run the incredible Next.js Conf 2020, using DatoCMS as your content management platform.

Introducing the GraphQL Real-Time Updates API

We have a big announcement to make: to meet users' expectations for real-time experiences, we have developed a new GraphQL API that can instantly push new data to browsers and apps as soon as they are saved into DatoCMS.