Product Updates

DatoCMS changelog for new features and general improvements
UI Improvement
View Netlify logs under Settings > Activity Log
January 21st, 2019

We've just made possible to see the log of a Netlify build related to a DatoCMS publication from under the Activity Log section of your administrative area:

Quite handy to quickly investigate why some build failed without having to leave the DatoCMS interface!

API Clients
Improved management of API rate limits
December 16th, 2018

We've just pushed a new version of our JS and Ruby clients that will automatically retry requests after the correct amount of time if they encounter a 429 Too Many Requests response from our Content Management API when exceedings rate limits.

Upgrade your projects to the latest version of our clients to take advantage of this!!

Scheduled publishing
December 3rd, 2018

A long awaited feature is finally online! You can now set a future publication date for your items!

Role-based permissions
November 29th, 2018

Your organization’s workflow gets another boost thanks to the ability to let users only manage records created by users with the same role!

Configurable Twitter card
November 23rd, 2018

Up until now, all Twitter cards generated by DatoCMS had the twitter:card property set to summary. Now you can change this settings in every SEO field!

You can also configure the stardard Twitter card in the project global settings:

Upgrade to the latest DatoCMS clients to start using this feature on your frontend website!

Save frequent searches as filters
November 23rd, 2018

Filters can now be saved and shared between users for easy reuse.

Everyone can freely save personal filters, but only users whose roles allow the creation of shared filters can make them available for everyone:

Add links to external URLs in Navigation bar
November 23rd, 2018

You can now add menu items on the sidebar navigation bar pointing to external resources (ie. internal documentation/guidelines, intranets, etc.)

Main locale is no longer required when optional localization is enabled
November 13th, 2018

A long awaited request just shipped! If you have optional translations enabled on one of your models, you are no longer forced to insert content for the main locale:

UI Improvement
In-context reordering of navigation bar
November 13th, 2018

You can now move, rename and group your sidebar navigation entries in-context:


UI Improvement
Modular content fields just got better
November 1st, 2018

First of all, you can now set a minimum/maximum number of blocks on Model content fields:

We also enhanced the way Modular content fields are presented. Every block can now be collapsed/expanded:

You can even decide if blocks will start collapsed by default: