Product Updates

DatoCMS changelog for new features and general improvements
NewUI Improvement
Configurable heading levels on Structured Text fields
September 16th, 2022

In the Presentation tab of Structured Text fields, it is now possible to enable only specific heading levels:

This will have the effect of hiding the relative slash commands on the editor (in this case, the Heading 1 option is not present):

For greater convenience, markdown shortcuts for heading levels that are not available will fall back to the nearest available level — that is, if Heading 1 is not available, pressing # will insert a Heading 2 — and tab and shift+tab keyboard shortcuts, which have the effect of decreasing/increasing the heading level, will skip the levels that are not available:

Images API
Transformation parameters are now available for SVG format
September 15th, 2022

We are happy to announce that it is now possible to use all the transformation parameters made available by Imgix on SVG files as well!

It is important to note that as soon as a transformation parameter is added to the URL of an SVG file, Imgix will proceed to rasterize the SVG, and the transformations will be applied to the rasterized version of the image.

By default an SVG file with any transformation parameter will be converted in PNG format, but you can request a different output format with the fm parameter.

Plugin SDK exposes blocks usage information
September 15th, 2022

A small addition to our Plugin SDK: it is now possible to retrieve the number of blocks currently used inside a record via the ctx.blocksAnalysis property.

The information is exposed in every hook related to records editing, namely Field extensions, Sidebar panels, and Form outlets:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { connect, RenderItemFormOutletCtx } from 'datocms-plugin-sdk';
itemFormOutlets(model, ctx) {
return [{ id: 'myOutlet' }];
renderItemFormOutlet(outletId, ctx) {
const {
blocksAnalysis: {
usage: {
/** Total number of blocks present in form state */
/** Total number of blocks present in non-localized fields */
/** Total number of blocks present in localized fields, per locale */
/** Maximum number of blocks per item */
} = ctx;
// render the outlet here
UI Improvement
Menu items can now point to a specific shared filter
September 14th, 2022

In the content navigation bar, it is now possible to associate menu items to specific shared filters, so that the user clicking on the item will see a predefined set of filters, table columns and ordering:

UI Improvement
Record filters now save also columns and ordering information
September 13th, 2022

We have extended the capabilities of our record filters, which now behave like fully fledged views!

A filter can now store also a preference of ordering, and the table columns most suitable to consume that specific filtering:

Content Management API
Site search now supports fuzzy search
September 6th, 2022

We just introduced a new parameter that can be added to the filter parameter of site search to enable a fuzzy search. When the parameter fuzzy filter is present, our search engine will find strings that approximately match the query provided.

Here is an example of how to use the feature:

const searchResults = await client.searchResults.list({
page: {
offset: 200,
limit: 20
filter: {
fuzzy: 'true',
query: 'florance',
build_trigger_id: '44',
locale: 'en'
searchResults.forEach((searchResult) => {

In this example, strings like florence will be matched, even if the query is florance.

Please refer to the site search page in the Content Management API documentation for a complete example.

Content Delivery API
Slightly new behaviour for sortable and tree models
July 20th, 2022

We subtly changed the way of working for sortable and tree models. Your content may be affected only if the draft/published system is enabled for some of your models.

Up until now, when a model was using the draft/published system, the user was forced to republish the records after updating the record position or rearranging the tree.

As of today, the changes to records' position of a model sortable (i.e. its position in the list) or tree (i.e. its position in the tree) are immediately reflected on the GraphQL published endpoints: you don't need anymore to publish the record again.

This change only applies to models with draft/published system enabled.

Mux integration is getting cheaper!
July 18th, 2022

Our integration with Mux is getting used more and more, so we can finally offer a better price for the streaming and encoding addons.

Here's the changes that we have already applied:

  • extra video encoding now comes at €9/mo every 180 mins of extra uploaded footage, instead of €19 for 300 mins

  • all the plans get at least 30 minutes of included video encoding

  • extra video streaming now comes at €19/mo every 300 hrs of extra video streaming time, instead of €29 for 250hrs

All the new addon prices are automatically applied on the existing plans, no need to do anything. Also the new price is going to be applied to all the extras made in July.

The pricing changes apply only on the per-account pricing plans. If you are still on a legacy plan and if you want to get the new pricing get in touch over at so that we can help you migrating.

NewContent Management APIContent Delivery API
New validation on asset fields: image transformable by Imgix
June 16th, 2022

We just added a new type of validation you can enforce on your asset fields (both single/multiple).

It's called "Image transformable by Imgix", and you can use it every time you want to make sure that the asset uploaded is in a format that Imgix can properly understand and apply transformation parameters to — ie. resize/crop/etc.

As of today, the main difference with the regular "Image" validation is that SVG files are not allowed as a format, as Imgix does not apply transformations parameters on them, but the general idea is that as Imgix supports new input formats, the validator will be updated to be always kept in sync.

UI Improvement
Ability to filter valid/invalid records
June 16th, 2022

A small addition in the records collection index: you can now filter records by their valid/invalid state!